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Uniform Reference and Regulations

Refer to the charts below for information on setting up and wearing the uniform. 

How To Shape & Shave Your Beret

Hair Tutorials for Female Cadets

Check Out the Provided Ribbon Sorter


In-Ranks Inspection Questions

On uniform inspection days, cadets will be asked three questions worth one point each per the "Uniform Grading Rubric".

LET 1's (first-year cadets) will be asked questions above the line on the page. 
LET 2-4's (second to fourth-year cadets) can be asked all questions. 

Q: In the JROTC Cadet Creed, what are you accountable for? 
A: My actions and deeds.

Q: What Cadet rank is represented by three pips or circles?
A: Cadet Captain

Q: What is the standard JROTC Cadet headgear, while in ASUs or Greens?
A: The Gray beret.

Q; When a USA flag is properly folded, what is visible? 
A: A triangular blue field of stars. 

Q: In our chain of command, who is the Commander-in-Chief?
A: The President (The Great and Honorable Joe Biden). 

Q: In the Army Values, what does the "I" stand for?
A: Integrity.

Q: How many inches are there in a standard marching step?
A: 30.

Q: In Winning Colors, what color is a "Relater"?
​A: Blue.

Q: Name one of the three emotional attributes of an Army Leader. 
A: Self Control / Balance / Stability. 

Q: What are the 3 R's of Good Decision Making?
A: They need to be ... Right / Reality-Based / Responsible.

Q: What Thinking Map is used for comparing and contrasting?
A: Double Bubble Map.

Q:  How many Principles of Leadership are outlined in the Cadet Reference Guide? 
​A: 11.

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